Sunday, July 4, 2010

Inititiation Drinking Ideas

value of non-being and value orientation. The concept of "reality" in Proust

In a post in October 2008, Ontology development as , argued: "what there is certainly more important than what there. If there's one thing does not matter, we must take this into account, can not influence, condition, etc. ".

the light of recent considerations for me, however, are forced to reconsider this position, or at least to raise a doubt about that.
If one of those things that we do not exist (or, in terms quiniani-varziani, "if we admit that there are) the objects / events" fictional "objects / objects and events in the past / future events, is very difficult to say that these things count for nothing. A literary character can be more influential and famous of a real person, not talking about what can influence and affect the past. As for the future, sometimes a prediction or a wait may be far more important to us than what we are living in the present.

But one of the hypotheses that I propose in this post is as follows: in addition to being a plurivocality (thesis here that I do not want to commit to support but I have suggested elsewhere that some claim) can support a non-plurivocality be.
The sense in which there is no Sherlock Holmes is different from the sense in which there is no (more) Napoleon! Even among objects / objects and events in the past / future events there is a difference: those of the past are no longer editable, and future (probably) yes!

remains still fine idea to me that one of the results of a future "ontology for all" is precisely to guide and to understand what is important and what is not. Something like that in contemporary thought, a kind of ontology (based on the concept of reality ) but at the same time is also a map of the values \u200b\u200bcan be found in the book by Robert Nozick (philosopher in the picture) Life thought. Of course, Plato is the prime example.

trace followed a path of citations in the text life thinking ( The Examined Life , 1989), so as to give an the basic concepts he uses and how he set up his speech.

"Sometimes a person feels himself to be more real. ... When you feel more real? ... Some might think that the question is confused. In all the moments in which the person exists, it exists, and therefore must be real. ... However, we can distinguish various degrees of reality. Consider first the literary characters. Some are more real than others. Think of Hamlet, Sherlock Holmes, Lear, Antigone, Don Quixote, Raskolnikov. None of them exist, yet they seem even more real than some people we know and do exist. ... Their reality is their liveliness and bite in the consistency with which moved or are afflicted with a particular purpose. ... The exhibit features that make it more concentrated centers of psychological organization. Such literary characters become symbols, paradigms, models, epitopes. They are extremely focused slices of reality.
... Works of art, paintings, poems or pieces of music often seem very real. ... maybe they just for their quality, retain and pay off most long-term attention we pay to them. In any case, we feel more balanced and sharper, more vividly perceive them. Other than the features beauty, like the intensity, power and depth, giving rise to this vividness of perception. ...
also outline mathematical objects and structures where very sharp property are intertwined in a thickly layered network of possibilities, relationships, combinatorial implications. Ask: 'The mathematical entities exist ?' - The question that philosophers do the math - misses the vivid sense of their reality-... According to tradition, Plato believed that the forms - which according to his theories were more real entities - they (like) numbers. The sphere of mathematics, with its clarity, draws our attention to this reality.
Just as some literary characters are more real, so are some people. Socrates, Buddha, Moses, Gandhi, Jesus .. ...
We, however, we are at times more real than others, more so when we are in a certain way rather than another. Often people say they feel more real when they are working with a lot of concentration and attention ... feel more real when you feel more creative. Some say during sexual arousal, others when they are bright and learn new things. We are more real when all our energies are focused, our focus is, when we are attentive, with full efficiency, and we use our (positive) powers. Focusing more intently we focus ourselves.
The sphere of reality, what has more a certain degree of reality, does not coincide with what exists. The literary characters although there may be real, existing things can have only the minimum degree of reality required to exist. E 'possible to place the lower limit to the level of reality of existence, anything that is less vivid and clear of all that exists can be called real. But the reality has several degrees, and the reality that particularly interests us here is above the lower limit of this minimum.
The "reality" category is the basic assessment or there is another even more fundamental need to understand and evaluate it? The most basic category, as I see it, is that of reality. "


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