Monday, February 28, 2011

What's The Best Brand Of Concealer

Who are the digital natives?

to this question in recent years all of us over forty we set at least once, adding: "Who is my daughter?" fifteen who listens to the iPod, the iPhone uses, reads the iPad, just turn on the TV in the background, download music from iTune, exchange text messages while on the fly FB chat, watch the latest videos on YouTube, check-in is located on Foursquare synthesis and info on Wikipedia, and read any discounts Groupon TripAdvisors reviews? Alien? A Visitor? Simply a digital native.

They are the generation of digital natives, net culture who download songs, movies, tag, place, which gave birth to a cultural revolution unmatched, comprehensive and projected forward.

20 years, is the master of this generation space ranging from 1977 to 1997, born under the sign of the digital and technological development, including one that read only newspapers sull'iPad Quach years, will only purchase services online cash but you will not use credit cards, etc. ...

Don Tapscott, Canadian sessantrenne, ten years after the book "Growing digital back to investigate this generation that had already defined as" very different ".
With his staff has collected interviews with 11 thousand births between 1977 and 1997 and tried to give an organic framework so far fragmentary, because almost always rebuilt, studied and evaluated mainly by adults, for young people born after 1977 are either Baby Boomers (those born between 1946 and 1964) or X Gener (1965-1976).

I am part of Generation X and how work in this area are familiar with MS and their potential is not ever as my daughter will reason why filter analytically and often ask myself as an observer and not by the investigator. A twenty-year old does not, his approach is to test, using the means, to transform and customize it. It is the interlocutor, as a player who is actively involved, moving with confidence that claims information in real time when required.
companies know this? They know that "beyond" the old target, there are people who want to interact, create, experience, be actively involved?
Then we must give ourselves to tools to understand how the real problem is to insist on wearing the old suit with a new reality.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Ice Skating In A Skirt Vs Jeans

Ordinary people are using the best technology companies

On First Communication of February is an article published more than ever, and reflect the true reality.
We are in the era of Web 2.0 approach "social" in a situation in which the evolution of media consumption leads to a diverse web content. E 'changed the relationship of the consumer towards the brand, there's maturity, awareness, sharing, comparison. Social networking sites are places of maximum presence.
All things we know we have read and heard everywhere!

But companies? A marketing manager in three say they have programs in anticipation of communication that include the MS.
Others want to run the risk of landing on many social networks, but could not manage them well.
In any case, the overriding desire is to make online information on the product and company news, preferring a one-way communication mode, which does not provide the 'interaction.

So what?

Italian companies using the new Internet-based technologies to save money but almost always are not yet able to use them for good work. Indeed, many companies and government agencies prohibit social networking sites, wikis, forums, blogs, and in general the most advanced tools of informal collaboration born in the consumer world and youth because "distracting."

While technologies are at the mass market, paradoxically companies lag behind.
But the Internet, particularly Web 2.0, is valuable because it allows them to develop activities for interaction, and thus very productive forms of collaboration : allows you to find and exploit the best skills wherever they are, to cross the barriers that hinder the flow of information, and then work together to achieve complex goals.

One might wonder why managers do not capture the phenomenon? And not wanting
think it's because I do not know answer, because it had never been done and is not always easy, especially sized companies, be harbingers of change.
But this one is back, and customers are lost!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Small Grand Banks Trawlers

Stay hungry, stay foolish!

President Barack Obama, who was visiting San Francisco last Thursday he wanted to meet the leaders of the technology world. Among these, of course, Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckemberg, as well as Twitter's CEO of Google, Yahoo (but there was Microsoft).

A very private and informal dinner.
Steve Jobs, given to dying from a recurrence of pancreatic cancer by the National Enquirer, attended the dinner sitting next to the President.
The greatness of Jobs and his simplicity in living is evident from the speech he made in 2005 to graduate from Stanford University.

And I would like to post it on my blog, subtitled in Italian.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

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Defending the indefensible attack the unassailable (and doing a lot of conceptual confusion)

The title of this post refers to Giuliano Ferrara, who is trying to awkwardly type of intelligence between the supporters of Berlusconi.

The "Ruby case, the investigation by the Milan magistrates in the media guide that accompanies it, it would be under Ferrara based on an attitude" puritan. " But as we said Carlo Galli in a note on Republic, the sense in which Ferrara uses the term Puritanism is far from theological and social radicalism of the religious movement arose in the latter sixteenth century English.
The outrage to the prime minister does not start, as Ferrara would have us believe, from a sexual phobia moralism, but by the following circumstances:
1) Berlusconi is accused of two serious crimes and not touching the idea that this could only resign
2) wanted tougher laws against prostitution: coherence between public and private in this case it is necessary
3) has stated publicly that he never had sex in the payment but the intercepts unequivocally deny.
4) the argument that he could really think about having to do with the granddaughter of Mubarak is unsustainable.
These are the things that outraged: the systematic use of lies, inconsistency, lack of honor.

Ferrara then attacked Umberto Eco saying that if he goes to bed late to read Kant (as claimed in Eco Palasharp ) that is not enough to understand Kant. Eco then Kant would not know, and Ferrara, and he really understood what the German philosopher was thinking about politics. On this point refer to an article by Antonio Sgobba, The crooked timber of Ferrara, where we examine the steps mentioned by Kant Ferrara is in dispute point by point and its interpretation. Have fun!

(then I suggest a read of Ferrara Kant and the Platypus by Umberto Eco, to make a summary and then published together with his critical comments)

yet another thing the motivations that drive women and men that support the same cause to the streets today, Sunday, Feb. 13. The behavior of a public man ends, even if private, to make a model, dozers, legitimacy. E 'therefore necessary to curb and combat, manifesting, and the rampant poor image of women conveyed by Prime Minister (also, indirectly, through the macho culture of which they are steeped in many television).

Friday, February 11, 2011

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140 Net News

140 Net News in brief 140nn, is a channel in the Italian-made preview, news and insights filtered through Social Media by Luca Alagna.

An experiment in what might be called Social Media Journalism Personal Journalism or acquired after the beginning of the experience made by Iranian Alagna.

updates occur mainly on the Twitter profile, but the interaction is directly followed on Facebook and Friendfeed.

In this site you can find more in-depth analysis and reports based on these facts. The Net News 140
name contains these features:
140 (Twitter, synthesis, and interaction speed), News (the object), Net (the network, the lens of social media).
The editorial includes the collection of individual "facts" filtered through social media, with no inclination of any kind (political or otherwise), both within the agenda of the mainstream media (the menu information that every day we offer TV and newspapers) in order to complete or deepen the overall picture is within an agenda of social media by coming to light matters of interest to more millions of individuals online and often do not reach the public.

nice idea and nice service that Luke gives us!

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Who are kind of Linkedin? Infographic from the U.S. market

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A Letter To Offer Insurance

Paolo Flores d'Arcais presses Saviano

In this open letter Paolo Flores d'Arcais, philosopher and editor of the journal Micromega , seeks to give substance to political discourse Saviano said in previous posts, trying to translate concrete proposals in what many have interpreted as a speech announcing a possible future political commitment of the writer.
seems to me that Saviano has done what the intellectuals are called to do when the public actually has serious problems: a road show, direct political culture, take a clear position but will not require a direct entry into the arena policy.
(After all, the same thing that makes the columns of Flores Micromega .)

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The press office is evolving

If up to 6 / 7 years ago, the press office had to release to the news media relating to your organization to give visibility and a positive attitude, now has to review its role because the company is not telling you either showcases but need to listen.

This requires sensitivity and an approach where the conversation with people is not perceived as a cost but as an opportunity for knowledge.
Spotlight and there are people in this scenario, organizations and their press offices become "open" communication, otherwise the failure of organizations.

Before we know who are our interlocutors, the motivations that lead them toward us, we understand what we can do to meet them and how, only after we adopt the right communication tools to interact.

Opening This approach also changes the mechanics of storytelling organizations, but no longer shared and self-involving.

In this scenario, the press office ridelinea role of analysis and listening, develop the internal and external information and transmits to various audiences based on their specific needs and requirements.
His role "classical" monitoring evolves into a real instrument os observation of trends, developments and the interests of stakeholders and this should be added a constant focus on the internal dynamics of the organization;
and from this comparative analysis of external and internal press office 2.0 is able to evaluate strategies for its success.

This skill development is a necessary step for those who work in the area over which to develop and communicate must be able to analyze, choose, plan and coordinate.

" The real value in the third millennium of the companies and managers who lead them, will not be the revenue they produce, but the number and quality of relationships they established with their target audience and related internal and external "

Jeremy Rifkin

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Shiny Pokemon Chart Pearl

Sfrappole, chatting, rags, frappe .... The

Carnival sweets are taking different names depending on the region, Emilia called "sfrappole.

Today I read everything and more, social media marketing strategies associated with them, I compared infographics, STATISTIC and forecasts for 2011, short .... I told myself that tonight I could only give me the "kitchen" and so I did.

dusting off a recipe of my grandmother Anna, who for Carnival invariably made me this cake much appreciated by me, I ventured in the kitchen trying to live up to.

250 g flour 50 g of sugar a packet of vanilla

two eggs 20 g butter
15 ml of olive oil brandy


I mixed together the flour, sugar and vanilla and created a hollow for the eggs, softened butter and a pinch of salt.
I "tried" to mix the old way but all the dough is finished soon!
I then added the brandy (there are those who make grappa) and let the dough rest for 30 minutes.

With a rolling pin I pulled a sheet of around half a cm and, with the help of a toothed wheel, I did some rectangles.
I fried in olive oil on both sides of the dough, I downed with a slotted spoon and dry on paper towels ....
.... the cat who until that time oversaw the operations went on ...
... stink? nooooo, "smell" of fried food everywhere!
I finally achieved the result, I sprinkled with plenty of icing sugar and I have my sfrappole slingshots in the shower!
But as my grandmother did to fry chili for everyone always smiling?!

grandmothers: a category to be protected:))

Monday, February 7, 2011

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Continuing my post on word of mouth a few days ago and now consider the matter Sneezer.

We know that a viral marketing only identifies those people most interested in "that" particular message that is conveyed in an attractive and "valuable" for them and who always encourages sharing.

Literally "Sneezer" are those who "sneeze" telling colleagues and friends strengths and weaknesses of a product, service, a brand.
Their opinion is held in high esteem because the Sneezer are the makers of viral spread of ideas and perceptions, positive or negative that will influence the purchase.

to the success of a product, especially in the launch phase, it is crucial to identify the speaker by adopting appropriate strategies to gain their support.

Sneezer There are two types: those that act on the basis of compensation and "powerful", the strongest act only if they are really convinced of the added value of the brand or the pleasure derived from their opinion leaders and generating trends.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

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Think of what we are and what we want

Saturday, February 5, at Palasharp of Milan, the association Freedom and Justice has organized a mobilization with the title resign, calling to participate, among others, Gustavo Zagrebelsky, Paul Ginsborg, Umberto Eco, Roberto Saviano.

Saviano's intervention was very important. He said the explosion of the phenomenon of vote trading (giving their votes in exchange for a favor or for money), which distorts democracy and nullify the value of political confrontation. (Besides, all it takes is 50 euro to buy a vote, while the times of the Christian Democratic Party, Saviano says, to buy one vote necessary to offer a job ...). The basis of the phenomenon, says Saviano, is the idea that politicians are "all equal" all with the same errors, the same shortcomings. This makes the vote rather than X Y worthless. If there is no value I can sell out my vote, take it for 50 €. Or I can give it in exchange for something real (but I do not think, in this case, that something I rightfully! What if I get in return for my vote to lose everything else that I rightfully).
should then return to value the vote, realize that by voting you can change the destiny of their country, by a vote you may change your life. To return to value the vote should realize that politicians are not all equal. Democracy lives in differences.
Saviano also went on to refer to this speech, the phenomenon known as "mud machine" throw mud at anyone who is opposed to power (see the case Boffo, see the history of the house of Montecarlo against Fini, see recent attacks Ilda Boccassini) to demonstrate that they are "corrupt", and so are all the same, ie, all equal in belonging to evil.
So: who wants to gain power bypassing the real political game of democracy takes advantage of the idea that politics is broadly discredited, corrupt, and feeds this idea blurring the real differences .
We must show our diversity, says Saviano, welcoming but not being a minority, not welcoming to belong to the minority of the Pure. The pure are the majority, says Saviano. The country is well, with a minority of criminals. Implicit in his speech, however, is that this minority can not put in check and often dominate the majority, even dimming consciences. In
positive then, according to Saviano, you must:
give importance to the vote - against the image of a corrupt political class throughout
- seek our identity in unity with the good part of the country, speaking also to the party at this time is in check, dominated
- refer to the historical patterns of resistance to power criminiale
- dreaming of a different country, think of us being different from the criminals, think about what we are and what we want to build.

seems to me that Saviano has taken a central issue in the culture of the left: we need to reconstruct the values, rediscover, recasting unearthed, and the only way to do this is to think about what we have already good, the good that already exists, and also make an effort of imagination to think of something better might be, do we really want.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Shove Halfpenny Rules

Napoleon and management

I finished reading this book by Jerry Manas.
With modern style and compelling blends elements of historical transitions in project management.

The idea of \u200b\u200bManas is in fact to stress that the diplomatic and strategic skills of Bonaparte can be applied to project management in a competitive market.

The text is organized into three parts.

The first traces the rise and the extraordinary analytical skills and organizational character.
The second highlights six principles which the author contributed to its successful political and military realities that are applicable to current management.
The third analyzes the weaknesses that led to his downfall on the assumption that more often you learn from the mistakes from the successes.

addition to the examples and statements taken directly from history, the author takes up some systems provided by business experts thus integrating lessons ranging from 1700 to the present day.

I like the approach of Manas to the character's history, its clean style and the content treated with great clarity.