Monday, February 8, 2010

Legs Go Numb After Taumatic Accident

Point break the solitude

Today I heard words that are very heavy in the economy of my future choices. I sit, I think, I read. A moment of confusion.
ponder. The usual questions: who are where I go, I will do something great. Some of the answers, today, I find them among friends forum. Extraordinary people there, but I've never seen it, but I imagine them all as if they were old friends.
E 'reading and discussing the difficulties of others who have a real opportunity to look and feel to their most vulnerably human wrong, astray.
A sentence has opened my eyes:

"The constraints we have from when we are old beat us to pounce on a script that, in many cases, it is difficult to tear. It goes on over the years and the distance between the life that you do and what was in our true nature increases. Often you end up walking into a form that, while the true self is lost somewhere and can not be found anymore. "

's all here in these lines written by a deep knowledge of the human soul (ziojo).
Why The best moments of existence we recognize them all in our naivete of children, when the little boy was still with us and was surprised that he did not know when our idea was dictated to us by ourselves and we would like first person the world, when others were an instrument of knowledge and discovery, with the tricycle when it exceeded that of fencing walls and eyes opened wide in front of the unexplored world.
When we eat for hunger and we knew if we wanted sweet or salty. When
slept serene, and our dreams were a world full of children playing together.
When staying with her father and her mother was the greatest joy possible, because we felt invincible near them.
are the primary needs in the way difinite daily every child, and he, well, is happy and in balance.
Now the desire to be parents that sooner or later get is nothing but the desire to see children in the same eyes as we are small, full the desire of the world. Why those eyes on us adults, are denied.
Then, surely, the consciousness comes forward ..
As children do not have a conscience, there is no brake. Do not look left and right before crossing the street.
And as the conscience comes forward accumulate privations, obligations, social rules. Created artificial new needs are dictated by the uncritical consumer model of man that every good citizen should aspire to become Western. And then, slowly, in people with a minimum of desire autoanalyzer, we note that the gap between what we are inside and what we're out is getting wider. Within us is the strength of the little boy that brings us back to instinct discoverers. Outside we are the opinions of society that lead us to an extremely dynamic spiritual void. Unnecessary fights his daily battle with spirituality to find a place within us. It takes place as we move away from the essence of our children.
When will we really happy? To answer this question for me. I am really happy when the eyes are wide open to a new world (as when a child with triclia went over the wall of the parking lot), when I truly hungry (as when a child at 16 after playing football with Simone in the courtyard eating sandwich), when chatting with friends (the dreams of every child are in the company of other children), when there armmonia family (the sense of protection).
And then I'm really happy when I'm cycling.
Maybe the bike is a summary of all the basic needs of the child: it turns out the civilized world (forests, mountains, rivers, etc. ..), you feel invincible, even if you are not anybody, you get closer to the primary needs of hunger and thirst, you can be silently sharing a road with people living at the same time your extraordinary sensations.
And then the bicycle is the means by which, sometimes consciously sometimes unconsciously, will atone for the sins of being grown up. Through an extreme fatigue at times you feel okay with ourselves for having abandoned the child who was with us and went to look for earthly riches. It 'a level, fatigue, among us as we are and how we would like to be left behind. Toto said that the level is death, I think it's fatigue.
The real worry is not the modern man does not know what you want to be, but it's the moving away from what it is.
Just yesterday, I do not know why, I felt like RAAM. Estonia is not a dirty word, but a bike ride. Race Across America, 5000 km all in one go. Perhaps these extreme cravings come when there is very removed from what it was and you need a great "leveling" to return to balance. I do not know if I'll ever that race, certainly when you finish, if you finish, you're a different person.

I think that this page is an important end point in my personal journey. It 's a bit like the goal of Feltre last year with Ivan, I left for them to be here now.
"And every milestones is a new start writing until a few months ago as a signature in the forum, now replaced by" we already have everything you could dream of. " Son
party and end up talking about the friends of the forum, to which I dedicate these lines above. Two boys in particular, one that perhaps has found the balance (Andrea, our director) and another like me who is chasing (Posse, sooner or later a ride together we do).


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