Saturday, February 12, 2011

Thriller De Pilladas En La Calle

Defending the indefensible attack the unassailable (and doing a lot of conceptual confusion)

The title of this post refers to Giuliano Ferrara, who is trying to awkwardly type of intelligence between the supporters of Berlusconi.

The "Ruby case, the investigation by the Milan magistrates in the media guide that accompanies it, it would be under Ferrara based on an attitude" puritan. " But as we said Carlo Galli in a note on Republic, the sense in which Ferrara uses the term Puritanism is far from theological and social radicalism of the religious movement arose in the latter sixteenth century English.
The outrage to the prime minister does not start, as Ferrara would have us believe, from a sexual phobia moralism, but by the following circumstances:
1) Berlusconi is accused of two serious crimes and not touching the idea that this could only resign
2) wanted tougher laws against prostitution: coherence between public and private in this case it is necessary
3) has stated publicly that he never had sex in the payment but the intercepts unequivocally deny.
4) the argument that he could really think about having to do with the granddaughter of Mubarak is unsustainable.
These are the things that outraged: the systematic use of lies, inconsistency, lack of honor.

Ferrara then attacked Umberto Eco saying that if he goes to bed late to read Kant (as claimed in Eco Palasharp ) that is not enough to understand Kant. Eco then Kant would not know, and Ferrara, and he really understood what the German philosopher was thinking about politics. On this point refer to an article by Antonio Sgobba, The crooked timber of Ferrara, where we examine the steps mentioned by Kant Ferrara is in dispute point by point and its interpretation. Have fun!

(then I suggest a read of Ferrara Kant and the Platypus by Umberto Eco, to make a summary and then published together with his critical comments)

yet another thing the motivations that drive women and men that support the same cause to the streets today, Sunday, Feb. 13. The behavior of a public man ends, even if private, to make a model, dozers, legitimacy. E 'therefore necessary to curb and combat, manifesting, and the rampant poor image of women conveyed by Prime Minister (also, indirectly, through the macho culture of which they are steeped in many television).


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