Monday, February 28, 2011

What's The Best Brand Of Concealer

Who are the digital natives?

to this question in recent years all of us over forty we set at least once, adding: "Who is my daughter?" fifteen who listens to the iPod, the iPhone uses, reads the iPad, just turn on the TV in the background, download music from iTune, exchange text messages while on the fly FB chat, watch the latest videos on YouTube, check-in is located on Foursquare synthesis and info on Wikipedia, and read any discounts Groupon TripAdvisors reviews? Alien? A Visitor? Simply a digital native.

They are the generation of digital natives, net culture who download songs, movies, tag, place, which gave birth to a cultural revolution unmatched, comprehensive and projected forward.

20 years, is the master of this generation space ranging from 1977 to 1997, born under the sign of the digital and technological development, including one that read only newspapers sull'iPad Quach years, will only purchase services online cash but you will not use credit cards, etc. ...

Don Tapscott, Canadian sessantrenne, ten years after the book "Growing digital back to investigate this generation that had already defined as" very different ".
With his staff has collected interviews with 11 thousand births between 1977 and 1997 and tried to give an organic framework so far fragmentary, because almost always rebuilt, studied and evaluated mainly by adults, for young people born after 1977 are either Baby Boomers (those born between 1946 and 1964) or X Gener (1965-1976).

I am part of Generation X and how work in this area are familiar with MS and their potential is not ever as my daughter will reason why filter analytically and often ask myself as an observer and not by the investigator. A twenty-year old does not, his approach is to test, using the means, to transform and customize it. It is the interlocutor, as a player who is actively involved, moving with confidence that claims information in real time when required.
companies know this? They know that "beyond" the old target, there are people who want to interact, create, experience, be actively involved?
Then we must give ourselves to tools to understand how the real problem is to insist on wearing the old suit with a new reality.


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