Monday, February 7, 2011

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Continuing my post on word of mouth a few days ago and now consider the matter Sneezer.

We know that a viral marketing only identifies those people most interested in "that" particular message that is conveyed in an attractive and "valuable" for them and who always encourages sharing.

Literally "Sneezer" are those who "sneeze" telling colleagues and friends strengths and weaknesses of a product, service, a brand.
Their opinion is held in high esteem because the Sneezer are the makers of viral spread of ideas and perceptions, positive or negative that will influence the purchase.

to the success of a product, especially in the launch phase, it is crucial to identify the speaker by adopting appropriate strategies to gain their support.

Sneezer There are two types: those that act on the basis of compensation and "powerful", the strongest act only if they are really convinced of the added value of the brand or the pleasure derived from their opinion leaders and generating trends.


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